
If you are following this you know that I haven’t written a blog in like three years. I like to point that out so you know that you might get another one next week, or it might be another three years. Either way my hope is to write some stuff here and there and get it out when the opportunity arises. If you have looked at my previous posts, they seemed pretty put together. I think the future ones will be more “shooting from the hip”. I just want to get my thoughts out to you as I have time and as I have them. So for today I would like to give you some encouragement. Just because you haven’t done something for like three years, if God tells you to do it, you should do it. Also, maybe don’t set a bunch of parameters on yourself that just set you up to feel like a failure. Or, set a bunch of parameters on yourself if you need them to keep you accountable. I guess what I am trying to say is this: listen to God, do what He says!

Pastor Dale